Friday, March 16, 2012

the good life

What exactly constitutes the good life? I always thought it meant having a decent set of wheels, owning a condo and reaching phase 3 in romance. I would also like to be remembered after I die.

Randy laughed when I expressed my fear that people are going to forget about me after I die. He also laughed when I complained that people aren't concerned about my plight. People are so busy thinking about themselves, they tune out when I start telling them about myself. I take my ego very seriously. One day, I hope to house my ego in a condo and live the good life, in order to impress people and feel good about myself. I need to empower myself so people don't walk all over me. My therapist told me I need to start taking care of myself. I'm asking friends and strangers alike to support me as my ego goes through difficult challenges. In a world of seven billion, it's easy to get overlooked.

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