It’s nice to be wished a nice day in the morning, to hear a friendly greeting as you walk into the workplace, a cheerful hello, how are you doing, have a nice day. Right away that tunes me into the cosmic comedy, that we’re really players, pretending to be doing something really important, because we need the money. The almighty dollar, tinkle, tinkle, like pee pee, bestows worth on the sweat and blood of one’s brow, as one struggles to earn a living.
This day will most likely be forgotten. How could one possibly remember every detail of each instant? In fact, each instant could be infinitely divisible, to the point where the instant vanishes as it appears. In other words, each pinprick of an instant is like a hole in the tissue of reality spun on the loom of strong emotions and naïve views. As the tissue of self-deception shreds to pieces under the analytic gaze, unlimited opportunity opens up. Once self-imposed boundaries begin to dissolve, then there’s no reason to hold back. There’s no reason to be miserable or elated. Things are as they are, without limit. The overlay of hope and fear, of like and dislike is irrelevant.
Trying to impose one’s point of view, or to assert ego is about as effective as trying to drive a nail into the sky, or trying to sign your name on water.
Of course, as you might guess from the previous post, my mind is quite obscured and overwhelmed by emotional reactions to the daily grind and conflicts that happen when I bump up against someone who feels that what I’m doing is not quite right. Usually the person’s feeling is based on uptightness and nothing more. If you question the person, he might get angry, or argue in circles, contradict himself, get off topic and then totally deny what he started out saying. Such fruitless discussion leaves a sense of alienation, a bad taste in the mouth. It’s often better to keep quiet and not respond to verbal farts from people who don’t approve of what you’re doing.
For example, art, usually art meets with indifference, or hostility. Fortunately, enough people “get it” and have a good laugh, which is encouraging. Of course, I’d do art even if every man woman and child on the planet thought it was a waste of time. Art needs no justification or explanation. But it certainly awakens strong reactions, sometimes. Some people have ideas about what art should be. They say: John, why can’t you make something nice? Why does your art have to be so weird? Are you deliberately trying to piss people off?
Well, what am I supposed to say? Maybe I’m supposed to reply: oh yes, you’re right. My art is a waste of time. Thank you for letting me know. I will stop doing art right now. Or maybe I’ll do art that is easy to understand and enjoy, art with a simple, pleasing message. I will create images that insult and irritate nobody.
Paulo Poopini would like to take this opportunity to wish you a nice day. Paulo further underlined the urgency of this opportunity by saying: do not be bound by the wheel. I’m not sure what he means, although he did sit down to a plate of mixed vegetables and rice.
1 comment:
"It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into."
A quote I found but I know not from whom.
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