Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Life Cycle of the Apple

A fully ripe apple, red as sin, in the forbidden fruit bin at the local Fruiterie, take the apple home and let it be the apple of your eye. Keep an eye on it and after several weeks, the apple will decay, shrivel and dry up. I have a collection of aged apples. They make great decorations and give off a pleasant, slightly acidic, perfume. As a middle-aged man, I see a similar progress of decay in my body, starting with hair loss, wrinkles, skin growths and discoloration, sagging flesh, sunken eyes, decorated with crow feet and so on. I started out fresh as a daisy and now am like Roquefort cheese. Nobody lasts forever. Even if you make it to old age, your body will eventually become a corpse. Each step along the way feels like a big deal, at the time, but eventually it's all forgotten, as if it had never even happened. Nobody could care less about your little hopes and fears, all those sleepless nights and moments of panic and anxiety. It happens to everyone. Might as well relax and cheer up. Take time to enjoy the apples along the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let your smile be your umbrella.